Everything in creation, throughout our universe and including any others, has its own unique energy, frequency and vibration. Scientists may tell us something to this effect to which we may numbly nod in reply but how we respond to this fact of life indicates in large part the level of our conscious awareness of our life.
In the world of turquoise the energy of turquoise is considered with the term zat. There is no definition of the word although with minerals it may be most closely associated with brilliance in a diamond or luster in a pearl. It is a feeling evoking an emotion in the viewer. Definitions are elusive. The famous Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter was once asked to define pornography to which he replied, " I can't describe it, but I know it when I see it."
There are other similar feelings and emotions that are very real yet undefinable. Have you ever been in love? Can you describe it? Did you ever see it or touch it? Yet is there any more real and definable experience in your life than the love you have felt for others? Or the love that others have felt for you?
We feel the energy of other people. We see them, hear them, touch them and have the opportunity for very intimate communication. We have deep feelings for our pets. We surround ourselves with plants and flowers. Trees bring forth their own deep feelings and connection to our human experience.
We can have a similar experience with minerals although inorganic materials require a different level of feeling and communication than do organic life forms. Rockhounds understand this and turquoise lovers are at the apex of rockhounds. The sky stone unites the energy of sky and earth and has a special place.Native people have always included turquoise in their healing ceremonies. For the Navaho turquoise is at the center of creation.
Zat, the energy, frequency and vibration of turquoise is correlated to grade. While the energy is found in all turquoise it is more readily perceived in the higher grades. This is only true with natural turquoise. Taking a natural stone and infusing it with a plastic compound will necessarily change the energy, frequency and vibration of the turquoise. Does a plastic flower bring forth the same appreciation of beauty as a fragrent blooming rose? There is a difference between outward appearance and inward essence for those who have the faculties to discern the difference.
Mike Ryan II
Santa Fe
December 2024